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南瓜电影为广大网友分享七里伏正片全集免费完整版在线观看,以剧情论,《七里伏》这部美国电影给观众的冲击感非常强烈,保留了主角人格的特殊性,  Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.  Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A disgusted Lloyd agrees to help, but Tippy decides to arrest Massonetti and cash in on a big reward.  Tippy's beautiful wife Linda was once the love of Ralph's life and regrets his long absence. She is tired of Tippy's shiftless, drunken ways and Lloyd's domineering rule of the family.  Massonetti arrives in town, backed by Davis, his top thug. Tippy and two deputies, Karger and Eddie, make an amateurish attempt to capture Massonetti, only to get Lloyd shot and killed while trying to stop them. Ralph manages to get Massonetti behind bars at the town jail.  The mob cuts off phone communication and highway access to the town. Ralph suggests driving Massonetti to the authorities in Barstow in the mobster's own fast car. Noticing the tension between the brothers, Massonetti taunts them both and offers $25,000 to tempt Tippy into betraying Ralph and setting him free.  On the road, deputy Eddie is ambushed and the brothers learn that Linda has been abducted. A deal is made to get her back, but Karger is killed and the car is disabled. Ralph manages to get the four of them to a gas station, where the owner is found shot. In a fight for the gun, Ralph is winged and Tippy seriously wounded.  Borrowing a miner's jeep, Ralph drives Massonetti to a main highway, where two policemen take them into custody. They turn out to be impostors who drive Massonetti to an air strip where Davis is waiting with a plane. After they board, Ralph drives the car into the plane, overturning it. He drags Massonetti from the wreckage and holds him until real cops arrive. By the time he returns to the gas station, Linda is watching Tippy's lifeless body carried away.,影片的质量毋庸置疑。


七里伏 7.0 HD中字版
七里伏 犯罪 剧情


R.L.斯泰恩怪物镇:灵魂密室 正片 KatherineMcNamara DoveCameron BraedenLemasters RyanMcCartan TiffanyEspensen  一位邪恶的马戏团老板在几位高中生的小镇上演“鬼屋”,他们必须抗拒他的魔咒。
R.L.斯泰恩怪物镇:灵魂密室 恐怖
照片中的女孩 正片 NatalieDeVincentiis DanaMackin RobertChristopherSmith  在这部纪录片中,惨死路边的女子留下了一个儿子、一名自称是她丈夫的男子和一个像噩梦层层展开的谜团。
照片中的女孩 剧情
老百姓是天 HD中字版 吕毅 杨梅    电影主人公原型沈长瑞,从事纪检工作十多年来,一直主管信访举报工作。他把老百姓当作亲人,兢兢业业地为大家排忧解难,成为纪检监察战线的典型代表。电影《老百姓是天》由长春电影制片厂与北京市纪委联合摄制。
老百姓是天 剧情
母与女 8.0 正片 克里斯蒂娜·里奇 苏珊·萨兰登 莎朗·斯通 柯特妮·考克斯 卢克·米切尔  InterwovenstoriesofwhatitistobeamomseenthroughthelensofphotographerRigbyGray.
母与女 剧情
好嗨的历险记 7.0 HD国语 刘思维 吴曼思 方向 大能 孙越    男青年郝嗨,在爷爷临终前为了完成他的遗愿,和伙伴们踏上了寻找藏在一副元朝古画中“隐藏宝藏”的寻宝之旅,最终牵扯出一段动人的爱情故事且寻得珍贵古物,并获得成长完成蜕变的故事。
好嗨的历险记 喜剧
职业大贼 7.0 正片 伯特·兰卡斯特 李·马文 罗伯特·瑞安 伍迪·斯特罗德  四个活跃在墨西哥边境的职业大盗,幸运的接到一单大买卖,去营救一位被绑架的德克萨斯石油大王的妻子。于是,这帮唯利是图、身怀绝技,有神枪手、爆破专家、训马师和军事家组成的亡命之徒,在杰西拉萨的率领下,冒着
职业大贼 动作
秦岭镇天棺 7.0 正片 民国初年,一颗陨石滑落长空,落入秦岭之地,意外引出神秘古墓,传闻古墓中藏有价值连城的珍宝。彼时军阀割据,为了获得秘藏以充军费,汤司令迅速派人封锁了现场。那时民间有卖国求荣之辈,也有愿为国家奔走努力之人
秦岭镇天棺 剧情
医缘 6.0 HD国语版 张奕 虞朗 柏万青 关昕 骆舟行    电影《医缘》讲述了实习医生韵霞来到亚海市东华医院实习,工作以及情窦初开,爱恋上她的老师,曾经也是她表姐刘诗芬生前的恋人李晓强为情感线,演绎了在她周围发生的许许多多曲折动人,感人至深的故事。  实习
医缘 剧情
我只在乎你 正片 潘粤明 丁梦雨 许文广  置身于国际化大都市的北京,吕波绝对属于养眼美女的那一种。高挑欣长的身段,瓜子脸蛋上秀眉弯弯、明眸圆圆,浑身上下透着明艳娇媚、青春无敌的气质。或许正是因为人长得漂亮,吕波和顺应如今时代发展趋势的青春美女
我只在乎你 剧情
渴望 10.0 清晰版 布莱恩·维拉罗伯斯 Federica Estaba Rangel Cynthia Fray  Insomnia spreads in a small town, causing fear and panic. As the situation becomes dire, two couples
渴望 恐怖