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南瓜电影为广大网友分享善地第三季第07集全集免费完整版在线观看,以剧情论,《善地第三季》这部美国电视剧给观众的冲击感非常强烈,保留了主角人格的特殊性,  EPISODES  1. Everything Is Bonzer!  Air date: Sep 27, 2018  Michael intervenes in the near-death accidents of Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason on Earth, in hopes that a second chance at life allows them to become better versions of themselves. The Season 3 premiere.  View Details  2. Everything Is Bonzer! - Part 2  Air date: Sep 27, 2018  Chidi and Simone go on a date, and he kisses her after Eleanor protests his indecision.  View Details  3. The Brainy Bunch  Air date: Oct 4, 2018  Michael's grand scheme hits an unexpected snag and forces him to take drastic measures.  View Details  4. The Snowplow  Air date: Oct 11, 2018  A surprising announcement from one of the humans threatens to dissolve the group.  View Details  5. Jeremy Bearimy  Air date: Oct 18, 2018  The group explores the three main branches of ethical thought.  View Details  6. The Ballad of Donkey Doug  Air date: Oct 25, 2018  Jason visits with some people from his past while Chidi gets help in resolving a problem.  View Details  7. A Fractured Inheritance  Air date: Nov 1, 2018  Eleanor makes a startling discovery that tests her resolve, Tahani looks to make amends and Janet does some bonding.  View Details  8. The Worst Possible Use of Free Will  Air date: Nov 8, 2018  Eleanor recalls some forgotten events from her past.  View Details  9. Don't Let the Good Life Pass You By  Air date: Nov 15, 2018  Michael and Janet take an important journey. Eleanor ponders whether she should share a secret.  View Details  10. The Book of Dougs  Air date: Jan 10, 2019  Michael's resolve is put to the test. Meanwhile, Jason wrestles with his feelings and Chidi surprises Eleanor.  View Details  11. Chidi Sees the Time-Knife  Air date: Jan 17, 2019  Michael arranges an important meeting, and Janet makes a reconnection.  View Details  12. Pandemonium  Air date: Jan 24, 2019  Various events occur, in a certain specific order.,影片的质量毋庸置疑。


芝加哥警署 第十一季 第7集 NBC续订《芝加哥警署》第11季。
芝加哥警署 第十一季 美剧
毕业时刻 7.0 全30集 蒋小涵 章龄之 刘玥霏 舒砚 张超 张默 冯国强 王学圻 赵亮 刘莉莉 于洋    徐默涵(舒砚 饰)出生于穷乡僻壤,却靠着个人的奋斗考上了著名大学的热门专业,成为了家乡人口相传的美谈。一转眼四年过去,徐默涵即将步入社会,做出足以影响她一生的决定。对于自己的前途,徐默涵的内心里自
毕业时刻 剧情 国产
命运 9.0 第1集 石原里美 龟梨和也 田中美奈实 宫泽艾玛 矢本悠马 安藤政信 佐佐木藏之介 仲村亨 高畑淳子 曾田陵介  讲述中学时因父亲去世,奏(石原里美 饰)搬到了母亲的家乡,结识了4位好友。但在大学入学前夕,友人却离奇死亡。在「奏」成为检察官后的第六年,疑点重重的友人离世事件和父亲去世的真相逐渐浮出水面,看似不相关
命运 日剧
灵域 10.0 第36集完结 范丞丞 程潇 刘一曈 聂子皓 马月 郑艺彬 王一鸣 葛鑫怡  灵域最低等级的赤澜大陆上,少年秦烈横空出世。在寻找自己身世和追求更高修为道路上,他遇上了同样傲气和高远之志的杜少扬。两人亦敌亦友,只因杜少扬是四灵器之一,天生弑主,总是一次次地与秦烈相背而行。从星云阁
灵域 大陆
倾城天下 8.0 第25集 音乐学生顾之谣穿越到凤耀国年,组乐团开班赚钱,引四大美男倾心。沈今墨,俊美高强,被诬叛国之子,艰辛成长寻仇。顾之谣助沈今墨揭开真相,两人互生情愫。
倾城天下 大陆
不就是拔河么 6.0 全24集 陈靖可 易大千 印小天 尤浩然 周政杰 雷丰瑞 张舒沦 杨译凯 梁晓龙 林昕宜 赵佳 马渝捷    郭炎和薛天因一出闹剧意外被教练雷明看中,被“忽悠”加入明承大神秘社团—拔河队,和其他六个毫无运动基础的队员从一盘散沙到聚沙成塔,勇猛冲刺全国赛,开启一场青春的逆袭之路。
不就是拔河么 剧情 国产